Saturday, March 14, 2009


I woke up at 9am on Friday. Went to college to combine my part of my assign with my group mates and then print out both assign. Went for my 10-11am class for 10 min, took attendance and then rush to concourse to perform a sketch called “the Bench” for English Day. It was a little spontaneous because we dint had much practice due to our different time table and weeks b4 that, we’re actually cracking our heads off to make this sketch happen. Well wala~ it did!! U can read wat the sketch is all about in Han Lim’s blog that I linked to.
I was the nerdy girl in the sketch. Lol.

After English Day, I went for lunch and then to ICF at 1-3pm, after that rushed to the White valentines’ booth. I had to go back home to get a dress for one of the Juliet LOL. We were in a rush because White valentine starts at 7pm and she needed to prepare early, all the makes up n all. Came back to college around 4 plus. Then took a rest at Christine’s “my place” apartment with Brit.

Prepared, ate dinner n went to college to help up Christine with her clothes, make up, and hair. Yes she was also one of the Juliet. =)

The event begin, yup, kinda ended at 11pm.

I had a long day……but really had fun although I was rushing 2 assign b4 that…. Zzzz..
Then Brit came overnight at my house to go for the HIV home the next morning! Wuhoo~!!

So to be continue in the next blog…. Ahhaahaha~!!!
Happy reading again! XD

Luv, Kye.


Anonymous said...

awww ..kylie u luk sho sweeet ,, wid d nerdy eye piece n ponnys' :P

kylie said...

lol...sweeet?? rather than cute? lol...thanks anyway.. XD