Thursday, March 5, 2009

JASON MRAZ day…N etc…

WuHoO~!!!! Went to Jason’s concert yesterday 4/3/09 at 8pm, stadium Negara, KL! It was AWESOME~!! XD Went with Nate, Pui Mun, Pei Vern, May Ling and Han Lim and other 2 of May Ling’s fren!
Went with 3 cars! Lol… guess wat… when we arrived, was about to get in… someone gave us a ticket of Rock Zone (Rm 138) for free!! Well, it was like “extra” to them. The lady told us to call a friend to come…but I was thinking…well its bit too late to ask ppl to come coz we are entering in edi….dun expect us who are holding the tickets to wait or to go in then go out again…btw, we bought the Rock Zone, Rm 138.

Anyway, it was really cool….he can really sing..~!! He has a nice voice….was confident on stage! N he’s HOT too~!! His songs so nice~ some of them I’ve never listen to it before but it was still so nice.. lol.. XD he kinda sang quite a lot of songs tho.. I recorded almost all of it yesterday! Especially his famous song “I’m yours” EVERYONE was taking their phones out to record it.. I mean almost EVERYONE. Others song not so popular. .not so much people record it. Lol.. Man I tell u, he knows how to rock the stage!

There are times which some people are quite annoying!! In the middle of the crowd, there was this malay lady who pushes everyone around trying to get her way through to the front!! I was like…wth?! Not to say she can see anything extra also… -.-

Then, the last 2 songs, there’s this girl get carried up by her 2 friends…she was like blocking me n a lot other ppl!! N she was up like for so long!! Then, she did it again!! No one “boo” her but heard some complained….then I just frankly “hoi…” then after a while she came down.. then the THIRD time she was carried up..trying to take pictures! She made me lose my patience!! I was about to scold her b*****…but dint….felt like giving her a BIG slap! Seriously! I mean come on la~! Use brain can ah?! Use common sense can ah? Like, she’s not the only one who wana see him..and a lot people who are shorter dun even get a view but to look at the screen in front of us~! Sigh..i kinda stared at them a lil…n they knew~!!!!! -.-

Talking bout Jason Mraz’s T-Shirt…wanted to buy it so badly….regret that we dint buy it earlier before the concert starts when its cheaper…after the concert, the shirt cost 4 time more expensive!!! So dint buy…. Freaking expensive wei~!!

Today is my mom’s bday! (5th march) And it’s the day my nose suddenly went back on track! Lol.. so irritating… well we took mummy to eat crab in was alright.. =) bro bought her a dozen of roses! So sweet~! ^^ n we’re getting her something else with a spa~! Lol..

This week onwards is going to be much busier.. where all kinds of event are around! This Friday ICF is having HIGH PRAISE n they were having GREENEVOLUTION at the same time too~! Then, this sat FES organized an event called OPS GEGAR.
Next Friday, college is having 2 event. 1) English day and 2) white valentine.

English day is in the afternoon the theme is “inspired by movies”…college players are planning to do a sketch. Some are doing some dance.. I’m involve with the sketch…sudd I was also told that they wanted me to dance too…
For the White Valentine, there are some people performing dance..hip hop n latin American and gonna have some cat walks too.. so I’ve been called to help up to teach some moves and routines..
So means tat, ive to stay back every day to practice both dance and sketch… LOL~!!!!
Then, Saturday ICF is going to visit the HIV’s~!! lol….
Wish me all the best! Ahhaa~! HOPE things will turn out cool~ =)
Gtg sleep…night…
Have a good day people! ^^

Luv, Kylie.