yes~~~!! mua been wanting to go Penang for holiday...know y? to visit Ani!n well of course to relax with friends then get fat!! >.< yes...see Ani i so good!!come down for u,u know!! lol >.< lol..n yes so did mua n 4 other sampat frens went....5 ppl in my uncle's,Ian, Swee Ling, Wendy n Brandon!!!..went on 22-24th sept!!!(after raya) its been n awhile since my last visit which was in 2006.. 3 years ago man...
we took the ferry.... =)
hmmm Penang always sounded big to me.....duno everyone told me ist far to go here n there...but come to realized it..its not tat bad~! lol....>.< well tried walking around tho...
well as usual...we go mainly just to eat eat sleep eat eat n eat.... sounded like "babi-ness" XD
we stayed at this hotel called Regal Malaysia which is situated in the prime commercial centre of Penang..not bad ler....2 queen beds RM 138 per night... in the room! hahaah XD
we went to toy Museum!! then, Botanical Garden, beach, shops all around, eat at halker stalls all around..wanted to to Batu Feringgi's pasar malam..but dint get to go coz it opens only on monday n tues =(
then... we went....botanical garden....
then we head to beach!! wuhoo~!
so anyway, yes we ate like almost most of the popular food like the best cendol, n coconut drink, koey teow...n
there'sactually more to it tho.. we also went dim sum opposite KDU,Penang. lol ^^
Thanks to Ian's fren Alice to bring us all around.... thanks also to Ani tat drives us around XD
so Holiday succeed!! lol..
will may be upload a few more crazy pics soon if u guys still wana see...if not u guys can check out pic's from Ian Choong's
see u guys soon...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Penang Penang Penang
posted by kylie at Wednesday, September 30, 2009 0 comments
Saturday, September 19, 2009
My date with Chocolate.......^^
yea man......a date with my chocolate was one of my best brunch!! lol XD
who is my chocolate? not a someone...its also not a dog or whatever pet i have ok...i dont have a pet for (wendy,is not michelle's puppy,chocolate ok!!!)
its a present from Victor. he brought me to this place at Solaris,Mount Kiara...and the name of this place is called "Schokolart" lol~!!!for those of u who love chocolate......... sounds yummie aint it? ^^ yum............~~~~!! xD come come let me show u.....(wendy, u wait...we will go there with u) lol!! XD
this is their menu.....even looks like a chocolate b.ox!! aiyoyo as im typing this aslo making me hungry edi.....ha...kk...go on...
this is their hot chocolate with cinnamon marshmallow ~!i think it's called "the temptation" yuuummmm~ ^^
the cup is special....u dont or rather cant..hold the "cup holder" to drink it...ur both palms/hands surround/hug the cup to drink it....drink it as tho ur in a cold area n u needed a hot drink!! lol!!
this is the one of the main dish!! i call it the "chocolate satay"!! lol...yes.....need me to explain more? lol... the satay source is blended-ish nuts with>.< syyyyyyyoooooooooookkk!!
next, ha this is the bomb....i call it chocolate lamb" lol~~!!! >.< this i duno how to think u might be thinking "eiiiwww...." lol...u've gota try it 1st >.< *hint*hint* =p
this is one of the deserts...yes one of it.... XD
2nd desert..............wuhuhuh~!!
ha....see also jelak edi!! yes..after eating everything....yes i felt super duper full!!!!! >.< phheeeew~!
haaaa really does make me hungry writting this! >.<
wish to go there again try other stuff....
sooo, hu wants to date me to Schokolart!!!? or somewhere better?! HAHAHAHAhahah xD
thanks Victor!!!!!!! ^^ best bday lunch!! XD
see u guys soon!!!
posted by kylie at Saturday, September 19, 2009 0 comments
Monday, September 14, 2009
This is what i do....
when im....bored....n tired of studying.... well this is the effect of studying few hours... only few hours... ahahAHAha XD
I needed to do some cool myself down...was sooo hot!!
can u figure out wat i did?
this is wat i always wanted to do all these nonsense! >.<
so imagine wat can i do if i studied more then that few hours straight.......
k..i think im super bored reading like everyone's blog!!!! @.@
i wana eat chocolate......
chocolate actually does
1)motivates me to study!
2)it helps me to cool down when im angry or im stress...
3)cheers me up when im sad
4)heals my pain when having stomach cramps..
5)when im bored i eat chocolate
6)eat it when its sunny, rainy, cloudy
7)love to eat when go to beach n camps!!
8)eat it in classes share with friends. =)
9)eat when im hungry
10)eat it when i feel happpy n bein loved~!
ha..managed to come out with 10 reasons y i LOVE CHOCOLATE? what else i have to say bout it?yum yum!! ^^
i dun care if its fattening....wheeeeeeee~! as long as i enjoy it!!! lalalalalaa!
*hint* *hint* XD
posted by kylie at Monday, September 14, 2009 0 comments
Truths about myself
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 100 Truths about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
1. Last beverage: yin yeong from kim Gary
2. Last phone call:Thasa
3. Last text message:Ji YUung
4. Last song you listened to: tonight is going to be a good night.
5. Last time you cried:few days b4 my bday.
6. Dated someone twice: may be =s tat was very veery very long ago...
7. Been cheated on: Yes
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: some stranger forced kissed me...yuk..
9. Lost someone special:erm not lost la..just not so special nemore..
10. Been depressed: of course la.... -.-
11. Been drunk and threw up: Not tat i was drunk...but i had empty i threw up... =s
12. black
13. brown
14. purple ...btw...i cant choose cos i like many colours!! red....white...etc..
15. Made a new friend: Yes loads of them!!
16. Fallen out of love: not sure
17. Laughed until you cried: yea..some jokers telling lame jokes..XD
18. Met someone who changed you: Yes
19. Found out who your true friends were: kinda of...
20. Found out someone was talking about you: think so...
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list:erm...i dun think so...if got also dun freaking remember la..sooo young last time...>.<
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: 70% of them i think =(
23. How many kids do you want?: 2 or max 3
24. Do you have any pets: used to....want a puppy n a snake >.<
25. Do you want to change your name: i love my name is unique to me!! XD
26. What did you do for your last birthday:was just few days ago.had party at my apartment..pool side...hahahha....
27. What time did you wake up today: about 12 pm. ><
28. What were you doing at midnight: fb-ing? lol addicted i guesss....=/
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: many things i wana name,!?! hahahaha XD
30. Last time you saw your Mother: 2 days back
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: to be not so lazy!!
32. What are you listening to right now: bus horning...-.-
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: thomas count?
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: still cant decide bout wat i wana do..altho i shall not worried much..
35. Most visited webpage: blogger,facebook( mouse hunt)
36. What's your real name:kylie cheong phui yee
37. Nicknames: kye ,kye-kye, gg(girl girl), girl, ButterFly, chaili, sarong, kai lo lai li....mommy!!?!?
38. Relationship Status: Single
39. Zodiac sign: virgo
40. Male or female: female
41. Primary School:SRK Damansara Utama & SRK ss19
42. Secondary School: SMK Bandar Sunway
43. High school/college: INTI subang Jaya
44. Hair colour: dark brown
45. Long or short: shoulder length
46. Height:163
47. Do you have a crush on someone: yes
48. What do you like about yourself: i learn things fast?
49. Piercings: 6 all on my ears. XD
50. smoke? : hate ppl hu smoke n dun like smoke..smelly n stuffy....=s
51. Righty or lefty: im a lefty!! ahha but can be abit right too.. XD
52. First surgery:dun have i guess was just some stitches on my chin
53. First piercing: 6 yrs old on my ears.
54. First best friend: beverly leong? primary school time its Wendy!!!(forever - she's loyal hu supports me n understands me the best) tq girl! muax!!
55. First sport you joined: net ball (dun really like it)
56. First vacation: dun rem young!!langkawi???
57. first language: baby language!! ga~!?
58. first show: duno i rem?!?! some cartoon la..must be mickey mouse or tom & jerry lol
59. Eating: chocolate!!! yum! me fav!!!
60. Drinking: water...
61. I'm about to: talk to my mom..ask her where my 1st vacation? lol.. XD
62. Listening to: jthe fan,my key baord,my mom preparing dinner n tv
63.Waiting for: to eat dinner......or shud i say miricale to hpn? lol
64. What kids: adorable cool cute smart kids...wala!!! XD
65. Get Married: duh...even had an ideal age to get married!25?lol >.<
66. Career: something tat i can deal with ppl...teacher (nursery,drama),designer, coach for sports or XD
67. Lips or eyes: my eyes i guess..
68. Hugs or kisses :depends! lol
69. Shorter or taller: taller or course! me or my bf la...but bf must be taller then me la!!
70. Older or Younger: as long as ur mature n have alot things in common n tat understands me..who loves God.
71. Romantic or spontaneous:both!!!i like to be romantic n spontaneous!! XD
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: stomach 1st than arms! lol XD
73. Sensitive or loud:have to know the balance babeh! balanced it up!
74. Hook-up or relationship: erm.. watever long i know tats the guy for me in future..
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: balanced it babeh! lol XD
76. Kissed a stranger: as i just told u..a stranger kissed me!! urrg...
77. Drank hard liquor: a abit la tat also when got occasion saja..i cant drink much also wan.. -.-
78. Lost glasses/contacts: my spec yea lost once or twice when younger..-.-
79. Sex on first date: i will just slap the feller!!
80. Broken someone's heart: i think so............ =( sorry dint ment to..
81. killed someone: erm not literally... =
82. Been arrested: no
83. Turned someone down: got la but wasn't on purpose ok.... =(
84. Cried when someone died: last time when was very lil...uncle...
85. Fallen for a friend: sure la...abuthen???
86. Yourself: duh~!
87. Miracles: DUUH~!!!!
88. Love at first sight: erm.......lower primary tat time only la...
89. Heaven: hello!!!!! y not?? wheeee!!!
90. Santa Claus: i like presents!! not tat i believe it...
91. Kiss on the first date:erm.....nooooooo...........
92. God: He's forever in my life....
93. true love:of course........
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: i think once..n was a HUGE mistake..i was very young n stupid ok...i promise nvr this wil hpn again...
95. Did you sing today: Yes....even now im singing (u are forever in my life,i c u thru.....)
96. Ever cheated on somebody: not tat i cheated on them la...something hpned...
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go: primary or secondary
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be: duno la.
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: i duno...i need tat i no need to know the "not-so-nice" truth..
100. What do you think of this tag? : well its something tat we need to do it again after a long time to update ppl.. lol XD
2)Jonthan (again) lol... XD
3)Andrew Koh
4)Nic Cheong (buwahahaha XD)
5)Charis (cos i just saw her on my chat box! lol)
6)and whoever is reading!! ahaha if dn have blog..fb is fine too! ahaaha XD
im soo evil... >.<
btw,Happy Birthday Thasa n Aunty Mandy!!!!! have a nice one!!miss u!! muax! XD
posted by kylie at Monday, September 14, 2009 0 comments
Monday, September 7, 2009
BrC suggested to go futsal....last 2 weeks back. around 12-13 of us where there.... girls...only me n swee ling...
guys i know its ur game...especially brc's pro game...ask us to come...but guys ss playing only..only know how to think of wining they dun really pass the ball to the girls..till we asked...hey, we girls wana play too!! n we're not weak either..... just pass the ball to us...gently? n if we're in a keeper position...well... no need to be sarcastic to give us the impression that its going to break our hands n etc..just play like how u normally play..but just be a biiiit more gentle..that's it...u guys dont usually play futsal with girls y not just let us girls play a bit?? wana sweat a bit more also cannot.. -.- lol... not gentleman wan.... XD kk nvrm....dun wana complain edi...>.<
after futsal....we went to ss14 food bazzar....whheee~! here u go..after futsal..then makan..gain weight some >.<
yeap...we eat at the park near the bazzar...
look at brandon..eating satay only....woooo~!
k next, i wana have kaki to play badminton!!? lol.... need to play some sports again la... >.< need ppl teman me...come come..anyone?let me know.. eh...climb hill also XD
posted by kylie at Monday, September 07, 2009 0 comments
Saturday, September 5, 2009
oooooooooooooooo this is my 1st new skin!! wheeeeeeee~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!! not a super great one....but wheeeeeeeee~!! i liked it... ^^ my kinda style...simple n nice n yet cool....done by my blog sifu aka blog constructor.......bwauahahaaha.. =x a big THANK YOU!!!!!! u know who u are..m not going to mention name! unless u wana reveal urself.. ahahaha XD
k i went for my cousin's baby birthday party at Desa park city,Kepong. her birthday is the same date as mine! hahahaha cool huh? and im exactly 20 years old older than her!!!! but her parents wanted to out it today because its a sat...easier for everyone esle.. =) baby's name called Sophie.... so nice~! n guess is my 1st time carrying her!! she wants me to carry her!! wheeeeeee~!! so good get to carry her on her 1st bday!
i also get to carry Ee Ching..for the 1st time...she's another cousin's baby...but 6month old only...she so cubby!! >.< i managed to make her laugh too! wuhoo!!
n Brian (my cousin) was back..from duno where....after sooooo long!! >.< miss him so much...i try to get pics from them in FB...huuhuhuhu..
ha...k....hope to see them more often..... =)
posted by kylie at Saturday, September 05, 2009 0 comments
Friday, September 4, 2009
excuse me for something is wrong with my u can see the chatter box is gone...and the links or around 20+ ppl..also gone....worst part the dashboard..the tab "layout" ws not there too....ive no idea y and how n wat hpn...
i was trying to change my blog skin...took me very long time to find the few skin tat suit by bloging..the 1st timewhen i tried to change it....there were no cahtter box n links n etc...later afterthat i tot the skin wasnt really suit my blogging so i dsecided to cahnged it again..n when i tried changinf it to another dint came out wat is supposed to i tot changing it to my old skin..when i tried to changed it back..i wanted to add something..but there aint "layout" tab in dashboard!!!! icant do anything...evfen to add caht box its not working..
so now i really duno wat to do... i hope someone can help me do this n done with it..i tired many things...still...sigh...
well i cant think yeah..anyone? pls..?..........T.T
me being a "hero"......this is bad..........
so...this is UNDER CONSTURCTION till futher notice... >.<
posted by kylie at Friday, September 04, 2009 0 comments